Tropical Fish Food Pond Mixed Sticks 51L 4Kg

Pond Sticks Mixed is a multi-ingredient food in the form of floating sticks for koi, goldfish and other ornamental cyprinids kept in garden ponds and ponds. Properly balanced formula, containing nutrients of plant and animal origin as well as a set of vitamins and microelements, provides fish with excellent condition and health. The food fully satisfies the nutritional needs of fish, while enhancing their red and golden coloration. Pond Sticks Mixed is also eagerly eaten by some amphibians and crayfish living in the pond. Fish regularly fed with Pond Sticks Mixed are healthy, full of life and beautifully coloured.

Beautiful and healthy fish in a pond are the result of many factors. One of the most important is a well-balanced diet adapted to the needs of fish. The use of high-quality food not only provides the fish with the necessary nutrients, but also protects the pond against excessive burden of metabolic products. The diversified offer of products for ornamental fish and pond care includes high-quality foods and preparations. Tropical food for ornamental fish is made of selected ingredients and is tailored to the nutritional needs of fish. They provide pond fish with a healthy diet that meets their nutrient needs. They keep fish in excellent condition, positively influencing their even growth and development as well as beautiful coloration.

Pond Sticks Mixed, fed regularly, keeps fish in excellent condition and contributes to their even growth and development. Thanks to the reduced phosphorus content, the food does not contribute to the growth of algae in the pond. We use the food from early spring to late autumn, at a water temperature above 10°C and when small fish hibernate indoors. 

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